Monday, April 25, 2011

Day 13 - What is Success?

This is a question I like: what exactly is success?
I looked in an online dictionary and found the following:

success [səkˈsɛs]
1. the favourable outcome of something attempted
2. the attainment of wealth, fame, etc.

I really liked the definition N.1, tough I think we always refer as in N.2.
If I think of success I immediately think of somebody with a great career, money, fame.
I always thought it was cool. Now that I stopped a bit, I actually changed a bit my mind. In my opinion it all depends on our objectives, whatever they are. If you have small/big objectives and you reach them, then you're successful in what you do. This could or couldn't bring wealth, fame and so on. This is a plus, not the only objective itself.
That's my new vision of it, what is yours?


  1. Coincido con vos!

  2. Most of all, success must be the measure that you give to your own achievements, not the projection of what people think.
    Most people make this mistake, assigning to their life the measure of society, instead of their own tastes, preferences, choices. Wrong, wrong, wrong!

  3. "Most of all, success must be the measure that you give to your own achievements, not the projection of what people think." I couldn't agree more. But I also think that the difficult part is to be able to understand what is the success for you and what is the projection of what people think...

  4. "There's only one success: spending your life in your own way".

  5. ...and that's the most difficult success! ;)
